Monday, 11 August 2014

Sarah, True to Form

I'm breaking a promise I made to myself. Based on the faint hope that if everyone ignored her, she might just go away, I swore I wouldn't write about Sarah Palin anymore. But, she won't go away and I can't help relapsing. Sarah now hosts an online subscription channel and here's what she posted in response to a recent speech by Elizabeth Warren.

“We believe”? Wait, I thought fast food joints…huh. Don’t you guys think that they’re like of the Devil or somethin’ I was. Liberals, you want to send those evil employees who would dare work at a fast food joint then ya just don’t believe in, thought you wanted to, I dunno, send them to Purgatory or somethin’ so they all go VEGAN and, uh, wages and picket lines I dunno they’re not often discussed in Purgatory, are they? I dunno why are you even worried about fast food wages because…Well, we believe an America where minimum wage jobs they’re not lifetime gigs they’re stepping stone.”

Her tongue get’s entwined in a knot
As though demons, her mind, have besot
She on principle can’t
Disengarble her rant
Holding grammar a government plot

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